
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


 This is my face when I found out that I was offically fully funded for the race!! Whoo hoo!! What a blessing that is. Thank you so much to each and every one of you !!

I’m going to jump right in to the first few days we had in Gainesville !!



hehe this is our last time getting covid tested before leaving the country !! 



this is what waking up first thing in the morning looks like… I have yet to break out of my sleeping bag cocoon 🙂


FIRST TRAVEL DAY !! We were finally about to board our final flight to San Jose, Costa Rica after a long night of sleeping on the airport floor. I just had a cup of coffee and I was ready to go !!



HOME. This is where Team Align lives.



COSTA RICA !! This is the view right outside of our door. I see this all day every day… IT NEVER LOOSES ITS BEAUTY !! 



Jen Jen and I brushing our teeth!! Together is better !!



Sabbath day !! drawing with gold pens !! What a treat to have peaceful rest days like this !!



Here’s me whipping up some eggs for our squad !! Each morning a different team takes turns making breakfast for everyone. We LOVE eggs and gallo pinto !!



Jen jen and Madison getting their morning cup of joe !! Cutie gals early in the morning !! Coffee queens !!



This is where all the girls get ready in the morning. Toilets are to the right and the showers behind me 🙂 I adore this outdoor living !!



HERE IS MY TEAM AND CORRIE !! wow we love corrie !! After orientation she took us on a tour of the places within walking distance of our house. We found the Walmart where we buy our groceries and the Starbucks that we can get wifi at on the weekends. 



Emma Lou and I on a park date with some pineapple muffins we found !!



This is team align all together and dressed up for church in the backyard of our house!! From left to right: Kaylin, Madison, Layna, Emma, Jen, and Delaney 



More pretty views from my seat at church !!



This is my bed !! Top bunk baby !! 



Gretchen and I’s shadows:) love her !!



Every Monday we get a special treat… PANCAKES for breakfast !! Yummm !!


and that wraps up month one !! 


Obviously you may wonder where’s all the ministry stuff !! I’m sad to say that I don’t have a ton of pictures from ministry because it’s not always appropriate to whip out your phone to take a picture… but ministry has been so fruitful here! I love hearing other people’s stories and getting to share Jesus with them in a really organic way. I will be sharing more about it in some of my upcoming blogs!! Stay tuned:)


Something special from this past month is the word ARISE. I often woke up to see the sun peek over the huge mountain in our backyard early in the morning. It’s quite the view each morning to witness – but even more exciting to physically feel the warmth of the sun touch my skin as it peaks over the mountain that was once covering it. I would be reminded of the Father’s presence while watching the sun ARISE. 


Prayers always appreciated !! Thank you!! 

One response to “ARISE : Month 5 Scrapbook”

  1. Thanks for sharing all the photos. Fun to see the awesome things you’re getting to do. Keep up the amazing work of trusting God and loving people well. I’m excited for all that God has been and will continue to do in you and your squad. I’m glad your finding delight in those little moments of remembering God’s delightful presence when you watch the sunrise. Those still moments of delighting in God are so important amongst all the crazy faith-building awesome challenges of the Race.