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Last Monday I got an email. Before I was even able to open it, I read the subject line and felt my heart sink a little. “The Plan: Gap Year 2020”. oof. 


In light of all that is currently going on in the world, World Race has decided not to launch Gap Year internationally starting this September. 


They had announced to us racers their contingency plans multiple weeks ago. We had a couple of different options that included an extra training period in Georgia or a 6-month trip starting in January or differing to another year. DRUM ROLL PLEASE… I am happy to announce that I will still be continuing in saying yes to what the Lord has for me! I’M MOVING TO GEORGIA BABY!!


This means that starting in September, I will spend 3.5 months in Gainesville, Georgia training in discipleship, leadership development, and missional training – and that makes me scream!! It’s a new opportunity that I didn’t see coming and I am overjoyed. I get to spend that time in community with my squad and other gap year squads too!! SO MANY NEW FRIENDS!


Then with much prayer, we hope to be able to launch internationally in January. All the details are still being worked out but I’ll let you know as soon as I know more! World Race is still figuring out which countries we will be able to travel to and partner alongside the ministry due to safety. I’ll keep you posted:)


Don’t be fooled. I was not that excited at first. I was really sad having to mourn the loss of being overseas this fall. I was upset to have to add another thing to the list of things that didn’t go the way I thought it was. I dreamed of the year 2020 since I was a little Layna – I could not have imagined this. My expectations seem to get the best of me. 


I’m stealing back my joy from the enemy! There was still deep peace that I was supposed to choose Georgia this fall. I know he’s not finished yet and my commitment to the Lord’s plans over mine remains the same. I know that the Lord is good and can do great things even while my feet are still on US soil. And even though this came as a surprise to me – COVID did not surprise God. He knew it was coming. He knew it would change my plans. Yet he still asked me to go back in June 2019. My plans and expectations for myself may have changed but His plans for me didn’t change. This was always in His plans.




So thank you thank you thank you for all of you who have donated!! The push for fundraising continues but I am blown away by your generosity and willingness to help further God’s kingdom! I get teary-eyed just thinking about it! THANK YOU!! 


You probably have lots of questions still so feel free to reach out! I’d love to give you answers and talk to you more about what this all means:) 


ALSO! A fun new thing I am going to do is add my favorite song at the moment to the bottom of every blog! So that you can pray and worship alongside me and what the Lord is teaching me! 


“I know my God is love, this is enough to know my God is love.” 

God is Love by Chris Renzema

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